Dr. Scott A. Whitmer, Psy.D.
Dr. Whitmer resides in Yakima, Washington, and offers services in all counties in Washington. Forensic services are offered nationally. He chose a career in mental health counseling and forensic evaluations and assessments based on his own family of origin’s adversity to overcome through resiliency and commitment to help others.
As an adolescent, he grew up farming in the Columbia Basin in Washington State. His agricultural background helped create a tenacious work ethic. It also led him to work and travel overseas to manage, build farms and irrigation systems in the Middle East with a widely diverse population of peoples. His Middle Eastern experience taught many important lessons, one of which formed his approach to working with a broad diversity of people and one he still lives by to this day.
Many people and cultures are vastly different from the middle class Caucasian American's experience, not necessarily better or worse, but different, with varying strengths and weaknesses. And while popular culture likes to distinguish between cultures and draw lines in the sand to express stereotypical differences, all people and cultures strongly desire the same things in life. All people and cultures want security with and for their loved ones, stability, safety, community, order, and a sense of purpose and meaning.
Communicating with and observing people from very different cultures brought awareness about differences, but more predominantly, about similarities within the individual context. People want to understand those who are different than themselves if their families and community are safe to pursue happiness through purpose and meaning.
Based on this view, we can celebrate great differences nationally, culturally, familial, and individually, knowing we share the same human experience of purpose seeking and meaning making.
Secondly, it truly is up to us, individually, to make meaning out of even the most difficult of situations and environments so we can seek our higher purpose. At the end of each day, we each make an individual choice to experience and celebrate differences among individuals and cultures and this is a profound, wonderful, and generative expression that will result in a legacy of hope.
The alternative is to villainize people based on their differences, leaving a legacy of discrimination, hatred, and war.
Guess which one is better for your mental health and the health of those you strive to leave a legacy to?
Dr. Scott A. Whitmer, Psy.D.
Dr. Whitmer’s works have been published in various publications, such as:
Whitmer, S. (2018) The Enhanced Model of Competency: The Enact Model. ProQuest, Capella University.
Grimley, C.P., Whitmer, S. (2014) The Evolution of the International Psychometric Certification (IPEC). The Journal of Forensic Vocational Analysis. 15(2). Fall 2014.
Whitmer, S.A., Grimley, C.P. (2014). Psychometric Evaluation Competency: The International Psychometric Evaluation Certification (IPEC) in the Era of Evidenced-Based Assessment Within the Forensic Environment. The Journal of Forensic Vocational Analysis, 15(2).
Whitmer, S.A. (2014) Test Review of Pain Patient Profile-3. Journal of Forensic Vocational Analysis, Volume 15, No. 1, pp. 33-36.
Dr. Scott A. Whitmer, Psy.D.
Dr. Whitmer has presented at various state and international symposiums. These include:
Presenter: American Psychological Association International Symposium, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, August 6, 2015.
Presentation: Evidence-Based Practice and Evidence-Based Assessment: An International Language. (Psychometric Assessment, Forensic Vocational Evaluation and International Psychometric Evaluation Certification.)
Presenter: ABVE Annual National Conference, Savannah, Georgia, April 7, 2017.
Presentation: Psychometric Assessment in the Forensic Discipline and The International Psychometric Evaluation Certification (IPEC) Credential. (Forensic Methodology, Multicultural Competency, EBA, Special Populations, Research and Development of the IPEC.)
Co-Presenter: International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals, Washington State Chapter, May 20, 2016.
Presentation: Vocational Expert's Use of Psychometric Testing and Credentials Considerations.